Latest Releases


DJ Shub

War Club

DJ Shub Presents: WAR CLUB – an Electronic Indigenous Album

Indigenous artist DJ Shub will be presenting a visual performance of the chart-topping electronic indigenous album ‘War Club’. Check out the video below from the title track featuring the Snotty Nose Rez Kids.


Blackbird featuring Portugal. The Man and Sage Cornelius


Blackbird Featuring Portugal The Man releases new single “Backup”

Five time Native American Music Awards-winning Alaskan grown band, Blackbird released a single featuring the Alaskan-rasied band, Portugal. the Man and Sage Cornelius. Check out the official music video below.


Calina Lawrence


Indigenous vocalist Calina Lawrence releases her debut album “EPICENTER”

Since graduating high school, this indigenous vocalist has released her debut single entitled “Alcatraz” a folk song (January ‘17) followed by the release of “Generations” (July ’17) a hip-hop track featuring 14 y/o Lil Deya. To end 2017, she released “Don’t Count Me Out” (December ’17) featuring indigenous vocalist/emcee Desirae Harp. “Songbird” was the first … Read More Indigenous vocalist Calina Lawrence releases her debut album “EPICENTER”


Charlie Puth

BY: Atlantic /  Pop

Album Review: Charlie Puth’s ‘Voicenotes’

Click here for the original article by Chris Willman of the Guardian. The artist’s official website can be found at